Fidget Spinners

Recently a big trend going around is a strange toy called the “Fidget Spinner”. Its claimed to be the remedy forĀ attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and autism. Sadly, the toy is being banned in classrooms all across the United States. The toy has a maximum of four bearings and come in many different shapes and colors. The toy may consist of brass, stainless steel, titanium, copper or plastic. So who created this toy? Catherine Hettinger, shes a chemical engineer. She wanted to file a patent for the toy in 1993, however she never got to it.

Hettinger said shes “pleased” that the toy is becoming popular. The Floridian inventor isnt making anything off of these toys, due to the fact that she didn’t file a patent.

Now lets see what some employees at buzzfeed have to say about this.

we-tried-fidget-spinners-2-14559-1494036905-0_dblbigBen Coleman called the toy “Stress relieving” and “aesthetically pleasing to the eye”.

Safiya Nygard called it “Ridiculous…but fun.”.

Therefore, the views on fidget spinners are mixed. But afterall, they were created for a good cause!